Porto Alegre e Florianópolis
  • Aconselhamento Psico-pedagógico com apoio apoio do Ayurveda e Florais
  • Bioterapia Facial
  • Massagem Borboleta
  • Massagem em Gestantes
  • Reiki 
  • Apoio à gestação e pós-parto como educadora perinatal e terapeuta corporal, ayurveda e vibracional
  • Grupos de Movimentos de Bioenergética (Terapia Corporal de Alexander Lowen)

Um comentário:

  1. During the 1800s, one of the “big things” in the metallic precision machining fabrication trade was using of} aluminum. Scientists had found its existence course of|in direction of} the beginning of the century. Towards the middle of the 19th century, trade metalworkers additionally started making a lot more steel sheets. This was in thanks to Henry Bessemer, a British inventor who designed and patented the primary usable technique for turning iron into steel.
